Aluna is a clothing brand in development. Designed in Australia, we strongly believe a minimalist wardrobe with premium fabrics is the new era of clothing. Minimalism is about stripping back the unnecessary, leaving only the things that provide you with real satisfaction and comfort.

Minimalism is founded off of the idea that less is more. We recognize that having a clutter packed wardrobe can make you feel a lot of negative things. Our goal is to provide a wardrobe filled with less clutter, more fluidity, simple colours and most importantly more space.
Minimalism allows us to focus on our priorities. “By maintaining a clutter-free environment, you're able to save time and space.
Client: Aluna
Design by: Jesse Psaltis 

Aluna is a clothing brand in development. Designed in Australia, we strongly believe a minimalist wardrobe with premium fabrics is the new era of clothing. Minimalism is about stripping back the unnecessary, leaving only the things that provide you with real satisfaction and comfort.

Aluna | Brand


Aluna | Brand
